The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) requires manufacturers, distributors and importers of chemicals to have safety data sheets available for all hazardous chemicals used. This includes chemicals used for cooling, cleaning or transportation.
The more safety data sheets there are, the more difficult it is to comply with the regulations. When you consider that there are always different versions of each SDS or that SDSs are provided with each shipment, it is extremely difficult to manage this situation.
A manual process is time consuming and error prone. These errors can lead to penalties and fines from regulatory authorities.
Therefore, it is important for companies to start digitizing their SDSs early to avoid falling behind the regulatory requirements. Companies must always keep regulatory requirements in mind when determining the type of digitization. The choice of SDS platform is largely based on this. The solution must therefore be able to ensure (international) legal compliance adequately and sustainably. While it makes sense for some to switch to professional hazardous substance management software, for others it may initially be sufficient to keep their hazardous substance register in Excel.
Regardless of whether a professional solution or Excel is in use, with SdbHub we can provide data across manufacturers. We provide you with a digital assistant that tirelessly extracts and provides data 365 days a year.